Alex Clough

Software Engineer

I'm a software engineer and musician with a strong interest in where the two meet. I love diving into the languages I know, learning new ones, constantly improving my code and exploring new technologies and concepts. When I'm not coding or playing music, I'm spending time with my family, reading a book and watching or playing basketball.

You can view my resume here.


  • JavaScript

  • Python

  • React

  • Redux

  • Node.js

  • Express.js

  • Flask

  • PostgreSQL

  • SQLAlchemy

  • Git

  • GitHub

  • Heroku

A Few Accomplishments

Here is a collection of two personal projects I'm very proud of and hope you'll check out!

Full Court Press

Full Court Press is a basketball trading card app built with ReactJS / Redux and Flask-SQLAlchemy.


React, Redux, Flask, PostgreSQL

Tour Drive

Tour Drive is a clone of BandCamp where users can support their favorite artists raise money for an upcoming tour by purchasing their albums. They can listen visit different album pages where they can stream music from the albums, follow the artist and pledge financial support to the artist.


React, Redux, Express.js, PostgreSQL

Woof Woof splash page

Woof Woof

Woof Woof is a clone of Slack, a popular chat and messaging application. Woof Woof allows dog owners to connect and either join or create a public channel or direct message a fellow dog owner. The app uses SocketIO on a React frontend with Flask-SocketIO on a Flask server to enable realtime chat and messaging.


React, Redux, Flask, Flask - SQLAlchemy, WebSockets, Amazon S3, PostgreSQL

To Doom List splash page

To Doom List is a clone of Remember the Milk, a to-do application. To Doom List allows villains to create Schemes and Tasks associated with those schemes. All supervillains can add new schemes, modify the scheme names, add tasks to any given scheme and delete the schemes. A user can also modify the due date of a task, update its 'completed' status, and delete the task. Written in vanilla JavaScript, the app still manages to provide the user with a modern single-page application feel by efficiently utilizing browser-side AJAX.


JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Contact Me

Alex Clough

Software Engineer


Mobile: 917-971-9027
